Sunday, September 28, 2014

Prime Story: Prime Minister of Nepal sushil koirala's photo in New York, USA

Posted by Anup Baral September 28th, 2014 :
In today's Himalaya Television News Magzine program "Prime story" is about the photo of Prime Minister of Nepal sushil koirala in New York, USA

During the visit in 69th General Assembly of the United Nations the Prime Minister of Nepal sushil koirala's some photos has been released in online which raise some questions. Democratic Republic of Nepal at the general debate of the 69th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 24-30 September 2014).Koirala has said that political parties in Nepal including the Maoists are working together to have a democratic constitution promulgated through the elected Constituent Assembly (CA)He also said said that Nepal's unwavering faith and long struggle for a democratic system of governance has given us strength for mainstreaming the armed Maoist rebels into a peaceful democratic process and lead a successful transition from autocratic monarchy to democratic republican order, thereby setting unique models."Nepal is proud to have been contributing, ever since its inception, to the maintenance of international peace and security through UN peacekeeping operations in the troubled parts of the world," the PM said.

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