MH17 Dad Who Lost Only Daughter, 17, Begs Putin To Release Her Body.

This is the Letter :
Mr Putin,Many thanks to the Separatist leaders of the Ukrainian government!
For the murder of my dear and only child, Elsemiek!She was 17 years old, 5 year high school student at the college Segbroek in The Hague and on the way to vacation in Malaysia, along with her brother, mother (my ex-wife) and stepfather.Elsemiek would next year take her final exam, along with her best friends Julia and Marina and did well in school! She then wanted to TU Delft to study engineering, she was looking forward to it!She is suddenly no more! From the air shot in a foreign country where war is going on!Men above, I hope you’re proud to have, including her young life shot upside down and you can look in the mirror tomorrow relaxed.I hope you find this message may be translated into English (what you like intelligent men can read well) will be able to read soon!
Thanks again!Sincerely,
Elsemieks father Hans Breast in Monster, whose life is ruined!Ps Mr. Putin: I hope your intense conversation with our polder Prime Minister Rutte opened your eyes! I know you’re impressed with this and would find it tough on you if you would take guard so NL experts can figure out everything! Closely the disaster with Russian military initiative Thanks in advance