This TV show is about how people cheat in the name of abroad employment in Nepal. A large number of young people believe false statement about salary and facilities about abroad job.Nepal Police has created a TV show about Fake employment to create awareness in public.Watch and share this TV show among your friends and relatives.
Today's Other News: The office of the controller of the examination is published the results of School leaving certificate Exam 2070 on Friday evening. According to the results of the School Leaving Certificate Examinations (SLC)-2070 published today, 43. 92% students have passed the SLC exams. Of those passed, 18, 110 have secured Distinction, 83, 637 have been placed in First Division. In total, as many as 173436 students have made it through. Among the passed examinees, 98,777 are boys while for girls are 74,659.A total of 566,085 students, including 419,352 regular and 146,733 exempted, had appeared in the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examinations this year.