Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hatkadi: Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam

Posted by Rajesh KC May 11, 2014 :
Thw video is about Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam. Bam Dev Gautam is a deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of Nepal.He is a senior leader of the Communist Party of Nepal(CPN(UML).

Bam Dev Gautam is currently the deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of Nepal. Bam dev Gautam joined the Communist party of Nepal in 1964 and participated in full-time party activities from Rupandehi District in 1969. He became District Secretary of CPN Rupandehi in 1972.He joined Communist Party of Nepal in 1964 and participated in full time party activities from Rupendehi , with underground life, in 1969, serving as a district secretary in 1972. During his prison life, he served the party from Coordination Committee in 1975.After the release from jail in 1980, he became a central member of CPN-ML. After the merger, he was made a Politburo member of CPN (UML) and also attained the position of Deputy General Secretary of the party.

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