Saturday, December 13, 2014

Maile Je Bhoge - Episode 4 - Child Marriage

Posted by Anup Baral December 13, 2014 :

Child marriage continues to be a problem in many places of Nepal despite being banned by law. Latest national census shows that 60.1 % of marriages in Nepal are of girls and boys under 19 year-olds.The fourth episode of Maile Je Bhoge tells stories of Saumati, Nagina, Radha, Tulasa, Rupesh and Muna who had to stop being a child and grow up too early in life.

 Findings show that approximately 1 in 58 children suffer sexual abuse by a non-related adult before turning 18. Sexual abuse in children can occur in or out of the home and perpetrators can include parents, caregivers, other adults, or other children or youth. Here are some heart breaking stories of Child Sexual Abuse and how some of the children are rebuilding their lives.

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