Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why do politicians cry in public?

Posted by Anup Baral November 05, 2014 :

Kamal Thapa

Kamal Thapa, Chairman of Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal (RPP-N), addresses the mass during the protest against the statement of Deputy Prime Minister. RPP-N lawmakers obstructed the House meeting accusing Gautam of hurting the sentiments of Hindus by undermining the Hindu religion and its scriptures. KATHMANDU, Nov 3: The parliament proceedings that were obstructed by lawmakers from Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal (RPP-N) resumed Sunday after Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bamdev Gautam apologized for his remarks made during a House meeting earlier on Friday.Lawmakers from the Rastriya Prajatantra-Nepal (RPP-N) on Friday obstructed meeting of the Legislature Parliament citing security personnel's inhuman act over the people who were staging hunger strike at the Shanti Batika in Ratnapark. They picketed the House rostrum while Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam was standing there answering questions raised by RPP-N regarding arrest of Swami Shree Niwas at Shantibatika in Ratnapark on April 24.The House meeting was adjourned for half-an hour on Friday, October 31, 2014, following Rashtriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal's (RPP-N) protest against the government for forcefully dispersing pro-Hindu state demonstrators from Ratnapark in the capital. The lawmakers continued to picket the rostrum though the speaker gave time for registering note of dissent through parliamentary procedure if the agitating lawmakers were not satisfied with the answer.

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