Friday, October 24, 2014

Photographer Bimal Nepal claims Indian PM Modi used without permission

Posted by Rajesh KC October 24th, 2014 :

According to News source, it has been found that Indian prime minister Narendra Modi used a Bimal Nepal's photo to wish the nation a happy Dhanteras without permission of original Photographer Bimal Nepal. In 2012 November 11, Bimal Nepal posted the photo in image-sharing website Flickr. Share the News video

Bimal Nepal's Facebook post -

This photograph has been used by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Facebook page. I shot this photo in my dining room last year with the help of my daughter Abina. She set up the candle lights on Diwali in our home in Cambridge Massachusetts.

I am truly honored!

My greatest question and concern is - there is no credit for the photographer?! What will happen so called © copyright issue? He did not ask for the permission. Any suggestion? @

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