Friday, June 20, 2014

The CPN-UML’s Leaders lost in a debate (Conflict arises between leaders)

Posted by Anup Baral June 20, 2014 :
Power News: The CPN-UML’s political report drafting committee is lost in a debate, with conflicting views surfacing from the party rank and file over key theoretical issues and interpretation of contemporary Nepali politics.Party chairman Jhalanath Khanal has said that the ninth national general convention of the UML would be focused on maintaining unity in the party. Addressing an election rally ahead of Constituent Assembly (CA) by-elections in Chitwan-4, Chairman Khanal claimed that the party would be further strengthened after the convention.

Increasing number of aspirants in the party posts ahead of the convention was a natural phenomenon, he added, “Party would move ahead united ideologically, politically and theoretically after the national general convention.”

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