Monday, December 15, 2014

LS3 - Legged Squad Support System ( Testing )

Posted by Anup Baral December 15, 2014 :

LS3 - Legged Squad Support System is a robot rover designed for Marines and soldiers to help carry my load. Each LS3 carries 400 pounds of gear and enough fuel for the 20-mile expedition lasts for 24 hours. LS3 (Legged Squad Support System) automatically follow its leader using computer vision, so you need a special driver. It also goes to designated locations using sensing area and GPS. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment United States, Fort Devens, Massachusetts Check-Legged system that entered in November 2013. System, or LS3 "Robot Mule" designed to reduce the burden of Marines in the field and can reach a speed of 6 miles per hour and carry up to 400 pounds. LS3 was created by Boston Dynamics and is currently being tested by the Marine Corps.

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