Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nepal marks National Children's day

Posted by Anup Baral September 14, 2014 :

Nepal started to observe 29th Bhadra as the Children's Day from 2063 B.S. to commemorate the day. Earlier, Nepal used to mark children day. September 13 is the National Children's Day. Various programmes will be organise to mark the occasion with the slogan 'Let's listen to children, let us end child abuse'. People under the age of 18 as per the international law and under 16 years as per Nepal's law are considered as children. According to the 2068 B.S. census, children under the age of 16 make up nearly 40 per cent of Nepal's population, while 44 per cent of Nepal's population are under the age of 18. In Nepal, children are employed in risky works at homes, transport service, hotels, brick factories, night clubs, dance bars, catering service and industries. Nepal has been celebrating the National Children's Day every year marking the occasion it signed the Convention on Rights of Child.

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