Sunday, September 28, 2014

(ANFA) Ganesh Thapa involvement in financial embezzlement worth Rs. 580 million

Posted by Anup Baral September 28th, 2014 :
According to The Legislature-Parliament Public Accounts Committee, Nepal Football Association (ANFA) Ganesh Thapa involvement in financial embezzlement worth Rs. 580 million.

The Legislature-Parliament Public Accounts Committee gave noticed Ganesh Thapa not to carry out any work as the head of the ANFA. The meeting of the PAC held at Singhadurbar on Sunday decided to direct Thapa against working as the president of the football governing body as there could be possibility of tampering with the evidence if he continued to serve in the post. Watch above video to find out more Information. Ganesh Thapa was recently nominated as a Constituent Assembly member by the government, representing the Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal.

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