Chief Secretary Lilamani Paudel and other officials bathed in the Bagmati River few months ago.
He also promised he will bath in Bagmati again. Mr. Poudel had said he would make Bagmati a holy river clean and fit to take bath in New Year. Temple is clean enough for people to take holy dips. Chief Secretary Lilamani Paudel thanked everyone for assisting in the Bagmati cleaning campaign. However, it is known that Chief Secretary actually took bath in clean water which was added in bagmati from other water source.
The Bagmati River is the largest river in the capital city of Kathmandu Valley which comprises 57 rivers and rivulets as its tributaries. It originates from Bagdwar, bifurcates Kathmandu valley in to two parts and crosses the valley at Chovar.It has high religious importance. Threre are so many shrines and cemeteries located in its bank. Gokarneshwar, Guheshwari and Pashupatinath temples are famous shrines enlisted in the World Heritage which reflects its importance to all the races of human civilization. The Hindus and Buddhists, for whom the river water has special religious and spiritual values, consider the water of Bagmati as a holy water 'JAL'. Although being a part of cultural and religious heritage, the activities of dumping of raw solid wastes and discharging of untreated liquid wastes in Bagmati River has made an assault on its sanctity. In order to curb further environmental degradation of the Bagmati River and adjoining area as well as to restore the condition of once pristine Bagmati River, the Volunteer foundation Nepal is working to Public awareness programme and clean Bagmati river. Our Volunteer is fully devoted and committed to keep Bagmati river clean with the support of local peoples.