The China-made plane Modern Ark (MA) 60, bought by Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) finally got to spread its wings on Thursday after engineers from China came to Nepal and signed the log-book allowing the plane to take off for the first time. A new airbus provided by Chinese Government to Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) for domestic flighs arrived in the capital 2 months ago.
The Chinese Modern Ark 60 (MA60) aircraft handed over to Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC). The 58-seat airbus manufactured in China landed at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) this afternoon.China has agreed to provide two new aircrafts to NAC in grant and the MA 60 model aircraft arrived today and it will take few more days for the arrival of the second one. The NAC, however, is yet to get permission from Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) to operate the new aircraft. According to CAAN director general Ratishchandra Lal Suman, it is awaiting the arrival of the aircraft to initiate the process for granting operation license.