Saturday, June 14, 2014

Live Lok Dohori Song Photo Gojima

Posted by Anup Baral June 14, 2014 :
Watch and enjoy the Nepalo LOk Dohori Song. Photo Gojima Music of Nepal refers to the various musical genres of Nepal. With more than fifty ethnicity, the music of this country is a highly dispersed phenomenon. Although genres like pop, rock, folk, and Classical music exist, a huge number of such genres are yet to be cataloged. Many musical bands exist in Nepal, with a huge number in Kathmandu -- most of the recent ones focused in pop and rock. Rap has been known to emerge on the charts from time to time.

Dohori Dohori is Nepali Folk song. This is unique type of song in world. Dohoro means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry.The two teams in Dohori usually involves boys in one group girls in the other.The song is started with a question usually from the boys side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation.

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