The Parliament's rules of procedures state that there should be at least 143 members to run a House session, and the numbers just doesn't add up nowadays day. To prevent such shameful episodes from recurring in the future, the political parties issued directives to their respective lawmakers, asking them to be present in the House sessions henceforth, but the appeal seems to have fallen on deaf ears. There has been no perceptible improvement in the way CA members accord themselves in the house.
To maintain the decorum expected of them, the Speaker has also repeatedly asked the lawmakers to discipline themselves and at least remain in the House during the sessions. He has on several occasions urged the lawmakers to refrain from using their cell phones during the House sessions, but the lawmakers seem to mostly disregard such exhortations, and on most days, they can be seen talking away on their phones and moving in the aisle, even when the national anthem is streaming from the sound system.